Have you considered the amount of time you spend multiple coordinating vendors? If trying to keep them all straight and having to handle multiple purchase orders and relationships mean you aren’t able to get your orders placed promptly, lead times will suffer.
The need for on-time fulfillment to generate high customer satisfaction is key to supply chain management. Managing lead times requires more than just managing suppliers. Why don’t you consider condensing your vendors to reduce time handling multiple accounts, streamline your processes, and create efficiencies?
A manufacturing partner that offers an expedited building process like Casa-nova. We help to reduce and accurately forecast lead times for the production of your goods. We also take care of your goods throughout the production process to help ensure that expectations are being met and that any issues along the way can be addressed promptly. We can help reduce the risk of production schedule interruptions and the resulting lost revenue. We are eager to form that relationship and exceed your expectations.
As most of our customers come from Euro and North America, our products meet FDA, LFGB, and REACH standards. Quality is always what we are emphasizing.
We aim to deliver customer satisfaction and enhance society by providing highly reliable, high-quality products and services. This means that Project Approval, Design and Development, Production, and Testing through Shipping are carried out in compliance with high-quality standards.
Our corporate quality management system abides by principles in all stages of our business activities—including sales, design, development, and manufacturing.
Reach out to our expert team to discuss your manufacturing needs today.